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Release and Hold Harmless Agreement
Philadelphia Cricket League
KNOW ALL PARTIES BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned account holder:
- Represents to Philadelphia Cricket League is authorized to execute this Release and Hold Harmless agreement on
behalf of and in the name of .
- That in consideration of intending to be legally bound hereby, I the undersigned and my immediate
and distant family members and my guests who will be directly or indirectly involved with any activity of
the Philadelphia Cricket League or during an event and in all the intervals before, between and after the event and
while watching the event as a spectator or doing any traveling from and to the event activity, collectively
agree to be bound by the terms of this Release and Hold Harmless agreement
- That by the execution of this Release and Hold Harmless agreement, the Releasing
Individual/Parties do hereby release and forever discharge the Philadelphia Cricket League , its players, members,
appointed officials, directors, advisors, umpires/referees, coaches, scorers, volunteers, chaperone and
its affiliates, associated companies, agents, sponsors, playing field permit issuers (State,County,
Township, City or College/University/School) and permittees (individuals or private entities holding the
permit to the facility) and employees if any of and from all obligation, liabilities, judgments, causes of
action and all other claims and demand of any nature whatsoever for personal injuries or death, including
personal property damage such as vehicles, sports gears, property damage at the playing field facility
etc. which may arise from the Releasing Individual/Parties while in any Philadelphia Cricket League activity, whether
such damages shall occur as a result of the Releasing Individual/Parties actions, errors or negligence, or
the actions, errors or negligence of others.
- The Releasing Individual/Parties shall at all times hereafter hold harmless the Released
Individual/Parties from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses including
reasonable attorney’s fees and other litigation expenses incident to any claims, suits, actions or
proceedings that the Released Individual Parties may hereafter suffer, incur or held responsible of any
actions or activities conducted by the Releasing Individual/Parties during a Philadelphia Cricket League event activity
or during a game or while traveling to and from the event activity.
By accepting this agreement, I bind myself and my children if any, immediate and distant family
members and my guests to the terms of this Release and Hold Harmless agreement.
Whereof, intending to be legally bound hereby, I the undersigned has executed this Release and
Hold Harmless agreement on behalf of myself and my children if any and immediate and distant family
and my guests on this.