Multimedia Policy
Picture Policy
Any picture of graphic nature and gesture will be immediately deleted from our system and your membership will be terminated without any notice.
Video Policy
You can upload videos directly from your device or you can paste the embed code of your video from video sharing sites on our website or the video link on our mobile app. Currently we support only YouTube, Vimeo & Daily Motions videos embed codes and links. It is recommended to have your accounts with the video sharing sites in order to upload your video at TunnTunn by copying the embed code of your videos from those sites and pasting the embed code links in your profile screen of TunnTunn or copying the link if using mobile app. It is recommended that Individual's videos should be about themselves related to their roles and Clubs/Leagues/Organizations video should be about the Clubs/Leagues/Organizations and its services. Individuals for your privacy/safety do not mention your email address, any phone numbers, home address, complete date of birth or any kind of personal or contact information in your videos. Any video of graphic nature containing nudity, provocative gestures and language will be immediately deleted from our system and your membership will be terminated without any notice.