Rules & Regulations
- Coaches will be there to judge children soccer skills and place them in teams to have balanced teams.
- Soccer balls and other necessities to conduct the tryouts will be there.
- All registrant must wear preferably shorts or trousers and any cotton T- Shirt.
- Long socks, sneakers and only rubber cleats shoes allowed. No metal cleats allowed.
- Depending upon the turnout, the goal is to form separate teams for boys and girls. But, it may be Co-Ed teams as well if the situation arises.
- Depending upon the turnout, teams will be formed and give names. Each team to have maximum of 12 individuals in the roster for age Groups 4-6 & 7-9. Each team will have maximum of 14 individuals in the roster for age Groups 10-12. Each team will have maximum of 15 Individuals in the roster or age groups 13-15 & 16-18.
- Teams formed at the tryouts will play 2-3 months long League tournament games starting from July 9th 2022.
- Legue tournament participation fee will be separate $250. League fee will include the team soccer uniform.
- The deadline to register for league tournament is June 25th 2022 with a fee of $250 and July 2nd with a fee of $300.
- League tournament schedule will be announced by July 3rd 2022.
- Legue tournament games will be played on the mix of week and weekend days, but mostly on weekends.
- No Trials or League tournament games will be scheduled on Memorial day, July 4th and Labor day weekends.
- Legue tournmanet games for Ages 4-12 will be held at the Club fields facility at 2 Deer Run Drive and for ages 13-18 few games can be held at the club facility and most will be held at other fields off route 202 near Concord Mall or a field near New Castle airport pendig permit approval from the county.
- A two weeks 2 days training session of 1 hour each will be held on each weekend of June 11th & 12th and June 18th & 19th
- The two weeks total 4 days training session fee is $40. These training session will be conducted by coaches to train Individuals for the league tournament games. The training sessions are highly recommended for Indviduals with Beginner and Intermediate skills so they are tournament ready.
- The Events items to register & pay for Training Sessions and League tournament will be available online by June 7th 2022.
Note: We are hiring soccer coaches. Please spread the word. If any of the parents are interested in coaching then please contanct the club by creating your own Individual account on or downloading its IOS or Android Mobile app and navigating to the profile page/screen of Red Planet Sports & Recreational Club and clicking the 'Contact Us' tab.
Payment/Return Details
As TunnTunn uses Paypal, hence Payment/Return/Refund policies will be the policies of Paypal.
Release and Hold Harmless Agreement
Red Planet Sports Recreational Club
KNOW ALL PARTIES BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned account holder:
- Represents to Red Planet Sports Recreational Club is authorized to execute this Release and Hold Harmless agreement on
behalf of and in the name of .
- That in consideration of intending to be legally bound hereby, I the undersigned and my immediate
and distant family members and my guests who will be directly or indirectly involved with any activity of
the Red Planet Sports Recreational Club or during an event and in all the intervals before, between and after the event and
while watching the event as a spectator or doing any traveling from and to the event activity, collectively
agree to be bound by the terms of this Release and Hold Harmless agreement
- That by the execution of this Release and Hold Harmless agreement, the Releasing
Individual/Parties do hereby release and forever discharge the Red Planet Sports Recreational Club , its players, members,
appointed officials, directors, advisors, umpires/referees, coaches, scorers, volunteers, chaperone and
its affiliates, associated companies, agents, sponsors, playing field permit issuers (State,County,
Township, City or College/University/School) and permittees (individuals or private entities holding the
permit to the facility) and employees if any of and from all obligation, liabilities, judgments, causes of
action and all other claims and demand of any nature whatsoever for personal injuries or death, including
personal property damage such as vehicles, sports gears, property damage at the playing field facility
etc. which may arise from the Releasing Individual/Parties while in any Red Planet Sports Recreational Club activity, whether
such damages shall occur as a result of the Releasing Individual/Parties actions, errors or negligence, or
the actions, errors or negligence of others.
- The Releasing Individual/Parties shall at all times hereafter hold harmless the Released
Individual/Parties from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses including
reasonable attorney’s fees and other litigation expenses incident to any claims, suits, actions or
proceedings that the Released Individual Parties may hereafter suffer, incur or held responsible of any
actions or activities conducted by the Releasing Individual/Parties during a Red Planet Sports Recreational Club event activity
or during a game or while traveling to and from the event activity.
By accepting this agreement, I bind myself and my children if any, immediate and distant family
members and my guests to the terms of this Release and Hold Harmless agreement.
Whereof, intending to be legally bound hereby, I the undersigned has executed this Release and
Hold Harmless agreement on behalf of myself and my children if any and immediate and distant family
and my guests on this.